Sunday, June 5, 2005

Pigeon Point Glassblog - First Post


I decided to start blogging on my site to let you know what I have been up to in my endeavors in glass. I really should be heading to bed as my "real" job requires me to be up and at 'em early enough.

As you may have seen from the front page of my website, I will be heading to Italy next week to study with glass master, Lucio Bubacco, at his studio in Venice (Murano). I have spent several years in Europe but I never made it as far south as Italy so I am really looking forward to this trip. I even took an 8-week course called "Italian for Fun & Travel". We had a book called "Italian in Ten Minutes A Day" - yeah, if you actually spend the ten minutes! Life is so busy - it's nice to be able to take a week out every now and again to fuel your passion.

When I look at my diary from when I was a 16-year-old exchange student in Germany, I see large chunks of time where I was a prolific writer and equally large (if not greater) chunks where I was mysteriously silent. I consider those the times when life intervened. I certainly won't write every day but I will try to update often. If I can get to the Internet cafes in Venice (I'm not sure what's available on Murano), I'll do that too but rest assured, I'll have a huge update when I get back if I can't post while I'm there. I'm a photo nut so I'll make sure to include lots of pictures.

To keep you satisfied, here's a picture of a new perfume bottle I made on Sunday night from Bullseye Cranberry and Pink.

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