Let's see, what else? Well, the electroforming bath has been quite full lately. Here's the ring I talked about in my previous post. What do you think? I'm quite taken with it! I am expecting the materials to be able to electroform with silver sometime this week. I suspect that I won't have time to switch over and try it until next week sometime but I promise to post the results.
I don't write a lot about my personal life - because, well, glass makes up a lot of it! Suffice it to say, things are great. I'm going to see Jaime Cullum tonight with my sweetie and some good friends. We're going to see Train later this month and I'm taking a great silversmithing class in Victoria, Canada. Then there's the trip to Frantz Art Glass for their open house next weekend, and, and - the list goes on!
Have a great March - I'll check in soon!